111 research outputs found

    Syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria in methanogenic systems

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    This review summarizes discoveries in syntrophic propionate degradation research and reveals intriguing metabolic capabilities, mechanisms of cooperation and environmentally driven kinetics by taxonomically distinct microorganisms that are important for biotechnological applications and biogenic methane emissions.The mutual nutritional cooperation underpinning syntrophic propionate degradation provides a scant amount of energy for the microorganisms involved, so propionate degradation often acts as a bottleneck in methanogenic systems. Understanding the ecology, physiology and metabolic capacities of syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria (SPOB) is of interest in both engineered and natural ecosystems, as it offers prospects to guide further development of technologies for biogas production and biomass-derived chemicals, and is important in forecasting contributions by biogenic methane emissions to climate change. SPOB are distributed across different phyla. They can exhibit broad metabolic capabilities in addition to syntrophy (e.g. fermentative, sulfidogenic and acetogenic metabolism) and demonstrate variations in interplay with cooperating partners, indicating nuances in their syntrophic lifestyle. In this review, we discuss distinctions in gene repertoire and organization for the methylmalonyl-CoA pathway, hydrogenases and formate dehydrogenases, and emerging facets of (formate/hydrogen/direct) electron transfer mechanisms. We also use information from cultivations, thermodynamic calculations and omic analyses as the basis for identifying environmental conditions governing propionate oxidation in various ecosystems. Overall, this review improves basic and applied understanding of SPOB and highlights knowledge gaps, hopefully encouraging future research and engineering on propionate metabolism in biotechnological processes

    Enrichment and description of novel bacteria performing syntrophic propionate oxidation at high ammonia level

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    Inefficient syntrophic propionate degradation causes severe operating disturbances and reduces biogas productivity in many high-ammonia anaerobic digesters, but propionate-degrading microorganisms in these systems remain unknown. Here, we identified candidate ammonia-tolerant syntrophic propionate-oxidising bacteria using propionate enrichment at high ammonia levels (0.7-0.8 g NH3 L-1) in continuously-fed reactors. We reconstructed 30 high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from the propionate-fed reactors, which revealed two novel species from the families Peptococcaceae and Desulfobulbaceae as syntrophic propionate-oxidising candidates. Both MAGs possess genomic potential for the propionate oxidation and electron transfer required for syntrophic energy conservation and, similar to ammonia-tolerant acetate degrading syntrophs, both MAGs contain genes predicted to link to ammonia and pH tolerance. Based on relative abundance, a Peptococcaceae sp. appeared to be the main propionate degrader and has been given the provisional name "Candidatus Syntrophopropionicum ammoniitolerans". This bacterium was also found in high-ammonia biogas digesters, using quantitative PCR. Acetate was degraded by syntrophic acetate-oxidising bacteria and the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic community consisted of Methanoculleus bourgensis and a yet to be characterised Methanoculleus sp. This work provides knowledge of cooperating syntrophic species in high-ammonia systems and reveals that ammonia-tolerant syntrophic propionate-degrading populations share common features, but diverge genomically and taxonomically from known species

    Rahankäytön aatelia? : Aatelisnaisen omaisuudenhallinta 1700- ja 1800-luvuilla Anna Evdokimovna Labzinan omaelämäkerran pohjalta

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    Tutkielman aiheena on naimisissa olevan aatelisnaisen omaisuudenhallinta 1700- ja 1800-lukujen Venäjällä. Tätä tutkitaan Anna Evdokimovna Labzinan omaelämäkerran ja päiväkirjan pohjalta. Kyseistä omaelämäkertaa pidetään merkittävänä tuon ajan aateliston kuvailuna, koska se kertoo tavallisen aatelisnaisen elämästä. Tätä tutkielmaa varten omaelämäkerrasta ja siihen liittyvästä päiväkirjasta on poimittu kaikki tilanteet, joissa on kohdattu tai käsitelty Annan rahataloutta, varallisuutta tai sen kartuttamista ja näistä aiheista puhumista. Tässä tutkielmassa käsitellään aatelisnaisten omaisuudenhallintaa, omistus- ja perintölain historiaa Venäjällä sekä Venäjän aatelistoa. Keskeisimpiä käsiteltäviä asioita ovat muun muassa aatelisnaisten oikeus omaisuuden hallintaan, joka myönnettiin vuonna 1731, osin varsin monimutkainen aatelisten maanomistuskäytäntö sekä naisille myönnetyt lailliset oikeudet. Tutkielmassa suoritettiin myös vertailua omaelämäkerran venäjänkielisen ja englanninkielisen painosten välillä. Ilmeni, että englanninkielistä päiväkirjaa on lyhennetty toistojen ja epäolennaisten henkilöiden osalta. Omaelämäkertaa on käsitelty muistitietoaineistona ja sitä tutkitaan biografisella menetelmällä. Aatelisnaisen omaisuudenhallintaa tarkastellaan myös mahdollisuuksien horisontin läpi, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että Anna on sijoitettu historialliseen kontekstiin. Näin tarkasteltiin hänen taloudellisia mahdollisuuksia ajan, paikan ja säädyn tarjoamissa puitteissa. Laki mahdollisti aatelisnaisille huomattavan itsenäisen päätäntävallan omaisuuden hallinnassa ja myös lainsäädäntö tuki tätä. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä todetaan, ettei Anna juurikaan käyttänyt aatelisnaisille lain mahdollistamaa huomattavan itsenäistä päätäntävaltaa. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan mahdollisuuksien horisontti eli kyseisen ajan tarjoamat lailliset taloudelliset mahdollisuudet jäivät Annalla lähestulkoon hyödyntämättä

    Syntrophic entanglements for propionate and acetate oxidation under thermophilic and high-ammonia conditions

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    Propionate is a key intermediate in anaerobic digestion processes and often accumulates in association with perturbations, such as elevated levels of ammonia. Under such conditions, syntrophic ammonia-tolerant microorganisms play a key role in propionate degradation. Despite their importance, little is known about these syntrophic microorganisms and their cross-species interactions. Here, we present metagenomes and metatranscriptomic data for novel thermophilic and ammonia-tolerant syntrophic bacteria and the partner methanogens enriched in propionate-fed reactors. A metagenome for a novel bacterium for which we propose the provisional name 'Candidatus Thermosyntrophopropionicum ammoniitolerans' was recovered, together with mapping of its highly expressed methylmalonyl-CoA pathway for syntrophic propionate degradation. Acetate was degraded by a novel thermophilic syntrophic acetate-oxidising candidate bacterium. Electron removal associated with syntrophic propionate and acetate oxidation was mediated by the hydrogen/formate-utilising methanogens Methanoculleus sp. and Methanothermobacter sp., with the latter observed to be critical for efficient propionate degradation. Similar dependence on Methanothermobacter was not seen for acetate degradation. Expression-based analyses indicated use of both H2 and formate for electron transfer, including cross-species reciprocation with sulphuric compounds and microbial nanotube-mediated interspecies interactions. Batch cultivation demonstrated degradation rates of up to 0.16 g propionate L-1 day-1 at hydrogen partial pressure 4-30 Pa and available energy was around -20 mol-1 propionate. These observations outline the multiple syntrophic interactions required for propionate oxidation and represent a first step in increasing knowledge of acid accumulation in high-ammonia biogas production systems

    Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure and Influence of Organic Loading Rate and Temperature on Process Performance, Microbiology, and Methane Emission From Digestates

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    Biogas production from manure is of particular value in regard of lowering greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing nutrient re-circulation. However, the relatively low energy content and the characteristics of manure often result in low degradation efficiency, and the development of operating strategies is required to improve the biogas yield and the economic benefits. In this study, the potential to enhance the performance of two full-scale biogas plants operating with cattle manure, in mono-digestion or combined with poultry manure, was investigated. Four continuously fed laboratory-scale reactors were operated in sets of two, in which the temperature in one reactor in each set was increased from 37-42 degrees C to 52 degrees C. The potential to increase the capacity was thereafter assessed by increasing the organic loading rate (OLR), from ca 3 to 5 kg volatile solids (VS)/ m(3) and day. The processes were evaluated with both chemical and microbiological parameters, and in addition, the residual methane potential (RMP) was measured to evaluate the risk of increased methane emissions from the digestate. The results showed that both processes could be changed from mesophilic to themophilic temperature without major problems and with a similar shift in the microbial community profile to a typical thermophilic community, e.g., an increase in the relative abundance of the phylum Firmicutes. However, the temperature increase in the reactor co-digesting cattle and poultry manure caused a slight accumulation of fatty acids (2 g/l) and reduced the specific methane production, most likely due to ammonia inhibition (0.4-0.7 g NH3/l). Still, during operation at higher OLR, thermophilic as compared to mesophilic temperature slightly increased the methane yield and specific methane production, in both investigated processes. However, the higher OLR decreased the overall degree of degradation in all processes, and this showed a positive correlation with increased RMP values. Chemical analyses suggested that high RMP values (40-98 Nml gVS(-1)) were related to the degradation of cellulose, hemicellulose, and volatile fatty acid enriched in the digestate. Conclusively, increased temperature and load can increase the methane yield from manure but can result in less efficient degradation and increased risks for methane emissions during storage and handling of the digestate

    Effects of thermal hydrolytic pre-treatment on biogas process efficiency and microbial community structure in industrial- and laboratory-scale digesters

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    This study examined the impact of thermal hydrolysis process (THP) pre-treatment on anaerobic codigestion of wastewater sludge and household waste and assessed whether THP was vital to achieve higher process capacity. Performance data were collected for both industrial- and laboratory-scale digesters and response in microbial community structure was evaluated by Illumina sequencing. Implementation of THP at the industrial-scale plant increased methane yield by 15% and enhanced substrate degradability. Possibility to extend the sludge retention time due to a higher solid content of the substrate, sanitisation of the digestate and improved fertiliser quality of the digestate were other industrial-scale benefits of THP installation. Continuously-fed laboratory-scale digesters were fed THPtreated or untreated substrate at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 5 g volatile solid (VS)/L/day, a feeding rate necessary at the corresponding industrial-scale plant to meet the estimated population increase within the municipality. The results indicated that the plant could have increased the capacity with unimpaired stability independently of THP installation, even though the retention time was significantly shortened during operation with untreated substrate. Microbial community analyses revealed increased contribution of the Clostridia class after THP installation in industrial-scale digesters and positive correlation between Firmicutes:Bacteriodetes and methane yield in all digesters. Differentiated profiles in laboratory-scale digesters indicated that a temperature increase from 37 to 42 degrees C in association with THP installation and altered substrate composition were strong determining factors shaping the microbial community. Overall, these findings can assist industrial-scale plants in choosing management strategies aimed at improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion processes. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Biogas production through syntrophic acetate oxidation and deliberate operating strategies for improved digester performance

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    Anaerobic degradation of protein-rich materials has high methane potential and produces nutrient-rich residue, but requires strategies to avoid ammonia inhibition. A well-adapted process can cope with substantially higher ammonia levels than an unadapted process and analyses of pathways for methanisation of acetate, combined with determination of microbial community structure, strongly indicate that this is due to a significant contribution of syntrophic acetate oxidation. The microorganisms involved in syntrophic acetate oxidation thus most likely occupy a unique niche and play an important role in methane formation. This review summarises current insight of syntrophic acetate oxidising microorganisms, their presence and the detection of novel species and relate these observations with operating conditions of the biogas processes in order to explore contributing factors for development of an ammonia-tolerant microbial community that efficiently degrades acetate through the syntrophic pathway. Besides high ammonia level, acetate concentration, temperature and methanogenic community structure are considered in this review as likely factors that shape and influence SAO-mediated microbial ecosystems. The main purpose of this review is to facilitate process optimisation through considering the activity and growth of this key microbial community

    Microbiological and Technological Insights on Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure: A Review

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    Anaerobic digestion of animal manure results in the production of renewable energy (biogas) and nutrient-rich biofertilizer. A further benefit of the technology is decreased greenhouse gas emissions that otherwise occur during manure storage. Since animal manure makes anaerobic digestion cost-efficient and further advance the technology for higher methane yields, it is of utmost importance to find strategies to improve bottlenecks such as the degradation of lignocellulose, e.g., in cattle manure, or to circumvent microbial inhibition by ammonia caused by the degradation of nitrogen compounds in, e.g., chicken, duck, or swine manure. This review summarizes the characteristics of different animal manures and provides insight into the underlying microbial mechanisms causing challenging problems with the anaerobic digestion process. A particular focus is put upon the retention time and organic loading rate in high-ammonia processes, which should be designed and optimized to support the microorganisms that tolerate high ammonia conditions, such as the syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacteria and the hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Furthermore, operating managements used to stabilize and increase the methane yield of animal manure, including supporting materials, the addition of trace elements, or the incorporation of ammonia removal technologies, are summarized. The review is finalized with a discussion of the research needed to outline conceivable operational methods for the anaerobic digestion process of animal manure to circumvent process instability and improve the process performance